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Shoulder Pain

Living with shoulder pain is a journey that often begins unexpectedly, disrupting daily life and affecting every movement. I’ve navigated through various diagnoses, each bringing its own set of challenges and revelations.

Frozen shoulder encapsulated me in a world of limited movement, turning simple tasks into monumental challenges. The stiffness and pain that came with trying to stretch beyond its confined range was a constant battle, demanding patience I never knew I needed.

Rotator cuff pain introduced a sharp, immediate reminder of my body’s limitations. With every attempt to reach or lift, there was a piercing signal to stop, a protection mechanism against further strain or injury.

Then, the reality of a rotator cuff injury set in. It wasn’t just about managing pain anymore; it was about healing. Understanding that every therapy session, every prescribed movement, was a step towards recovery kept me grounded, even when progress felt invisible.

Bursitis brought with it a different type of pain, a constant, dull ache that seemed to envelop my shoulder, making even the weight of a shirt feel unbearable at times. It was a lesson in the importance of rest and how pushing through pain isn’t always the bravest option.

Treatment for these conditions was multifaceted. Physical therapy often felt like learning to move all over again, retraining muscles and joints to function without pain. Pain medicine interventions, including anti inflammatory medications and corticosteroid injections, became tools in managing flare-ups and allowing me to participate in my life more fully.

Sleeping was a puzzle of positioning to avoid triggering more pain, especially challenging with shoulder muscle pain that seemed to have a mind of its own, flaring with the slightest misalignment. Chronic shoulder pain became a relentless teacher of endurance, a constant companion I had to negotiate with daily. Learning to listen to my body, to recognize the difference between good pain and harmful pain, was crucial.

Dealing with left or right shoulder pain without an obvious injury was perplexing. It taught me the body’s mysterious ways of signaling distress, perhaps from posture, overuse, or even referred pain from elsewhere. Navigating life with shoulder pain has been a journey of resilience, learning, and adaptation. With each condition, from frozen shoulder to unexplained pain without injury, the pursuit of relief and understanding has been relentless. Through physical therapy, careful management with pain medicine, and adapting daily life to accommodate healing, I've learned the true meaning of strength and perseverance.

Pain specialists play a crucial role in managing shoulder pathologies, employing a variety of interventions to alleviate pain and improve function. Among these interventions, the "3-in-1 shoulder block" and the "Suprascapular Nerve Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)" are notable for their efficacy in managing shoulder pain. Here is an overview of these techniques along with an additional intervention used by pain physicians:

3-in-1 Shoulder Block with hydro-disection and Adhesiolysis

This procedure is a comprehensive approach. Devised for adhesive capsulitis also known as Frozen Shoulder and impingement syndrome. Here hydro-disection and removal of adhesions of frozen shoulder is done along with along with minute steroid injection in subacromian bursa to reducing pain and inflammation.

Suprascapular Nerve Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Pulsed RFA is a minimally invasive procedure that applies controlled heat to the suprascapular nerve, which is a common target for shoulder pain relief. Unlike continuous RFA, which creates a thermal lesion, pulsed RFA delivers short bursts of radiofrequency energy, interspersed with cooling periods, aiming to stun the nerve and disrupt pain signals without causing significant damage to the nerve structure. This method is particularly effective for chronic shoulder pain, such as that seen in adhesive capsulitis or rotator cuff tendinopathy, providing long-term pain relief while preserving nerve function.

Supraspinatous muscle PRP Therapy

PRP therapy for the supraspinatus muscle is often used to treat conditions such as tendinopathy, partial tears, or other forms of damage to the muscle. While research on the effectiveness of PRP therapy for shoulder injuries is ongoing, many patients report significant pain relief and improved function following treatment. However, individual results may vary.

These interventions highlight the multidisciplinary approach of pain specialists in managing shoulder pain, utilizing techniques that range from nerve blocks and radiofrequency ablations to intra-articular injections, all aimed at reducing pain, improving mobility, and enhancing the quality of life for patients with shoulder pathologies.